Posts tagged Interior Designer
A first look at the futuristic 'Elevator Furniture' designed Harry Nuriev of Crosby Studios.

Harry Nuriev still remembers his first ride in an elevator. He was a teenager. “While growing up in low-income projects in Russia, elevators were not very commonplace,” he explains. He has since been in many other elevators all over the world, but his latest project, The Elevator, a retrofuturistic installation he unveils today at the 15th edition of the design fair Design Miami/Basel, is inspired by a lift’s speed and its quality as a room that is constantly in motion. It also continues his fascination with the metallic, the monochrome, and the mid-century Italian modernism that has been typical of his firm Crosby Studios’ well-received work.

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Foster School of Business boldly brands their elevator!

The 'CHANGE' elevator intervention, envisioned by designers Kristine Matthews and Karen Cheng, both on the faculty at the University of Washington resulted in a unique collaboration between art and business—two distinctly contrasting disciplines. The result, a custom elevator installation that allow riders to reflect upon the dynamic relationship between business and change.

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